Payment wasn't accepted or processed
If your payment method is not being accepted or processed, it may be due to the following:
- Debit or credit card has expired
- Payment information does not match
- Debit or credit card has insufficient funds
- Debit or credit card issuer is not supported
- Foreign-issued or corporate cards are not accepted
You need to contact your debit or credit card company to check the cause in detail and resolve the temporary problem.
Update your payment method
When you encounter a problem with your card billing, you'll receive an email or notification about the payment decline.
If you'd like to continue subscribing to your plan, you have to update your payment method on the [Plan] page after signing in to your Send Anywhere account.
If you still have an issue processing your payment, please contact our Support Team with your Send Anywhere account.
What happens eventually when you aren't charged?
When your payment continues to fail, your subscription will automatically end. You will downgrade to ‘Send Anywhere Free’, and you will no longer be able to download from all Links you created during your subscription.
Resubscribing to Send Anywhere Email Add-on
We keep your links created during your subscription for 7 days after your subscription ends, so it will be available if you resubscribe within that time.
Otherwise, all links and files will be deleted after 7 days after your subscription ends.
⚠ Once deleted, they can never be recovered. Be sure to back up important files in advance.